1 – 6 August 2024, Carpathians, Ukraine
A meeting of the great masters of Mexico, Peru and Brazil.
About retreat
This Vision Quest meeting will be conducted by the Mexican teacher DON KIKE /Mexico/ – a follower of the local tradition (Wirarica) with the ceremonial plants of South America and North America, with more than 30 years of experience following a deep spiritual path. This is the RED ROAD, leading the lineage of the keepers of Peyote and Mescalito (disciples of Carlos Castaneda) and the indigenous peoples of America.
CHACHABARRY/Brazil/- teacher of the Uni Quin people of the rainforests of Brazil, connoisseur of the main plants of the Amazon and spiritual leader of his people, who is the keeper of the Rapé, the kambo frog, the sananga (for visions), and the connoisseur of Bufo-Alvarius, with the great masters of Vixarika and The Uiraricas of North America.
MOKAN RONO /PERU/ – Ethnobotanical physician of the Shipibo-Conibo indigenous people of the Peruvian Amazon, spiritual leader of his community, familiar with magical plants, spirits, Amazonian worldview, descendant of healer parents and family shaman; from adolescence he began a diet with the teacher plant Pinon Colorado, later he continued diets with the most powerful plants such as Toe, Chirik Sanango, Aya uma-these energy plants became his guides in spiritual science, the people who are the custodians of Ayahuasca.
NAUN RAUL FLORES /Peru/ CHAKA-RUNA (bridge man) – researcher of the world of plants of power, cultures of the peoples of America, promoter of philosophy, cosmology, revival of the traditions of the indigenous peoples of North and South America, Vision search engine, Sun dancer, participant of the red road and road of life, spiritual walker of the Capaq-Niam of the Incas, traveler, translator, international journalist, international lawyer and businessman.
Pacha Mama Day
All of them will fly to show the great spiritual power of the heart of South America, to unite in our flights the eagle of North America, the condor of South America and the falcon of the Slavic peoples, because the union of these 3 birds is recorded in the memories of the native inhabitants of America.
And the day will come when the birds of the north and the south will fly to heal their hearts, minds and bodies, so that in this way we will achieve Aini (interaction in our lives), develop spiritually and try to reach a higher level of consciousness.
Now, when the world is undergoing transformation and the Pachakut era has come, which is the awakening of peoples and protection from tyranny, misfortune and wars. We are here to remember and awaken the memory of our ancestors, so it must come true. The day has come in our beloved Ukraine, when the condor of South America, the eagle of North America and the falcon of the peoples of Central Europe will begin their flights in the sacred Carpathian mountains.
Retreat Program
- 1 August: Pachamama Day.
- Kambo ceremonies.
- Rapeh ceremonies.