What is Ayahuasca Microdosing?
Microdosing a plant medicine means taking a micro dose of a plant medicine over a period of time. It is important to give a commitment for a certain period. For example 1 to 3 months. During this period you will see that a gradual healing takes place and or a transformation.
Why use Microdosing ?
There are many reasons why people start with Microdosing, such as: healing depression, becoming calmer inside (inner peace), more self-confidence, deeper connection with themselves, healing trauma, transition (removing meno-pause complaints), getting closer to yourself, experiencing less triggers, ADHD, PTSD, PTSS, to get inspiration, focus & concentration or to to work on a creative project.
The main reason why people start with Microdosing is to get closer to themselves.
Microdosing effects
Microdosing mainly helps to get out of your head, to experience more peace in your head and to come more to your heart.
When you are more in your heart, you are a more authentic version of yourself. You dare to be more spontaneous, because you think less and feel more.
Your worries and problems mainly take place in your head. Microdosing can offer you more peace of mind.
Effects reported include:
– Enhanced focus and creativity
– Increased sociability and respect for others
– Less tense and less easily distracted
– A feeling of connectedness and unity
Do not worry. The principle of Microdosing is that you find the right dose where you do not experience a tripping feeling, but still feel a positive effect of the Microdosing.
It helps to be more in touch with your feelings, have more focus and concentration, be more creative, reflect on your life and get the answers out of yourself or other benefits while just functioning normally in your life during the different roles you play in life.

What is Microdosing Wachuma (San Pedro)?
Wachuma are the Keys of heaven, is a process that gives people not only deeper wisdom, but also inner spiritual strength to accept, acknowledge and purge the blockages or traumas. YOU STRENGTHEN YOUR WEAKNESSES AND GROW IN AN EXCEPTIONALLY FAST PACE OF PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS.
BODY balance:
– It relieves internal blockages such as muscular, energetic, mental, and emotional;
– Enhances relaxation and natural flow in organic processes (digestive, circulatory);
– Includes enhanced reduction of migraines and headaches, and higher quality of sleep;
– Depression, anxiety and stress significantly decrease;
– Increase of physical stamina and livid;
– A pure and natural complementary aid towards releasing addictive behaviours like alcohol, tobacco, controlled substances, food, relationships, sex.
MIND Fullness:
– Improvement of mindfulness, mood, and emotional regulation;
– Reconnection with empathy and openness to feel and express with clarity;
– It boosts cognitive function & mental focus;
– Memory-boosting effects, an improvement in problem-solving ability;
– It eases fears, reactivities, limiting thoughts, or fobias.
SOCIAL Spirit:
– Wachuma encourages self-improvement and wider extroversion;
– It reduces social anxiety and eases the relationships with others;
– Increases empowerment, sensitivity and openness;
– Blockages, boundaries and defenses dissolve.