Anadenanthera Colubrina, also known as uilca, uillca, willca, vilca, villca, willka, huilca, angico, cebil, curupari o curupau.
For the high Inca leaders, the use of Willka would have been necessary to become a responsible chief, to gain power, the wisdom.
The psycho-active substance contained in Willka is bufotenin, similar molecule to DMT. Thanks to his entheogenic and adaptogenic qualities, DMT activates our pineal gland, which guides us to inside experiment, Light visions, deep meditation and well being.
Willka which is consumed as a « Rappé » (with a bamboo tube) is blown in each of the nostrils giving visions and a deep state of meditation. The sensations are similar to an Ayahuasca ceremony, but stronger and more intense. It can be done in a ceremonial space or outdoors.
anything between 1,5 to 4 hours.
Fast anything between 12 to 24 hours before the ceremony.
Drink 2litres of water right before the ceremony.
Wear confortable clothes, that you can afford to get dirty (some don’t make it to the bathroom).
It is advisable that you had had some experience with Ayahuasca and Rape before you approach a Willka ceremony.
There are four methods of administration, in which in some cases the seeds are pre-roasted and always ground in a mortar:
1. Inhaling them like snuff, alone or with the help of others.
2. Smoking through a pipe.
3. Drink by mixing the powder into chicha de hora.
4. In enemas, through rubber or leather syringes, bone or reed nozzles and rubber bags.
There is an almost identical tree, Anadenanthera peregrina (also known as yopo, nopo, ñopo, cohiba, cohoba, parica), where its flowers also produce pods containing the “seeds of civilization” (Schultes and Hofmann 2010 [1979]). This plant , used by the Incas of Cuzco in the 4th century AD (Polo de Ondegardo 1906 [1567]), Huari in the eighth century AD. (Knoblock 2000), Moche in the 6th century AD. (Furst 1974), most likely in the Chavín civilization in the tenth century BC. (Burger 2011), and the earliest evidence is found in the areas conquered by the Incas in Cueva, in Puna de Jujuy, 3860 m above sea level in what is now Argentina, in the 21st century BC. (Torres 2008). Wilcas is one of the oldest plant uses in the Americas.
Wilk’s seeds contain the following molecules: Bufotenine (or 5-OH-DMT), the main composition; N,N-dimethyltryptamine (or DMT, same as chacruna); and 5-MeO-dimethyltryptamine (or 5-MeO-DMT). These three molecules, when ingested, without the presence of the inhibitory molecule monoamine oxidase (MAO) present in the stomach, are quickly broken down by the body, meaning the plant’s visionary effect is likely to be zero.