This is a unique historical event, during which many shamans and guides to the sacred world of spirits and mother nature come together.
1 August – 14 August 2024, Ukraine
An unforgettable meeting awaits you with a real curanderos shamans and guides from Amazon, Peru and Brazil.
Shamans will work with Ayahuasca, Rapé, Kambo, Bufo Alvarius, Changa, Sharmapanga, Black tobacco, Pachamama, Temaskal, Wachuma, Yopo, Peyote and other sacred plants.
Retreat program:
- July 29. Arrival of guests and shamans. We are building our camp and Temazcal.
- July 30. Opening of the Festival of Shamans. Check-in and meeting the shamans and guests. Preparation for retreats.
- August 01. International Pacha Mama Day from 11:00.
- August 01. Ceremonies with teacher plants from 21:00.
- August 02. Vision Quest Seeker Training. Temazcal from 11:00, accompanying seekers to the mountains. Ceremony with Mama Ayahuasca from 21:00.
- August 03. Bufo Alvarius ceremony from 11:30. Huachuma (San Pedro) from 12:00.
- August 04. Sharmapanga ceremony, Ayahuasca from 21:00.
- 05 August. Tobacco Cleansing Ceremony and Temazcal Sacred Bath from 10:00.
- 06 August. Wachuma ceremony from 13:00.
- August 07 – 08 Changa, Bufo and others ceremonies.
- 09 August. Charmapanga and Ayahuasca ceremony from 21:00.
- 10th of August. Tobacco Ceremony from 11:00. Peyote ceremony.
- 10th of August. Changa ceremony, Bufo Alvarius from 11:00. Ayahuasca ceremony.
- August 11 – 13. Kambo ceremonies, Bufo Alvarius from 11:00. Yopo. Sharmapanga (for the strongest!!!). Cleaning with Tobacco.
- August 14. Closing ceremony and festival
Every day we will meet the spirit of Rapeh, we will play our instruments.
Important! Those people who participate with us for the first time will be interviewed.
1 – Self-awareness and dieting.
2 – Pass an interview (for those who are with us for the first time).
3 – Make an advance payment.
4 – Provide the original receipt.
- Raul will be able to answer your questions regarding organization and registration for the ceremony.
- The program may be changed by days and dates or locations, depending on the conditions of the organizer.
To register for the ceremony, reserve your place or send your questions in the form below.