A Sacred Ceremony to Celebrate the Divine Feminine
“Women’s circles are a gathering of women, for women. These sisterhood meetings give women a safe space to connect, share, and empower.”
There are numerous prophecies of the indigenous peoples of America that encourage women to improve aspects of life through their femininity.
It is necessary to awaken the feminine principle for balance between the feminine and masculine personality, at the individual, social and global levels.
The women’s circle is the main foundation in life, it is the beginning of everything, where we come from and where we are going. Represents to us unity, wholeness, harmony and wholeness through which we can open our hearts and express energy to circulate freely. Speaking about the women’s circle, we are talking about healing, harmonizing and balancing the energy of our body. Healing circles of transformation of small vortices.
Women’s circles exist to convene ancestral feminine energy and reflect on being a woman. This is one of the ways that stimulates women and invites them to journey within themselves to reconnect with our ancestral wisdom and relay this powerful feminine energy to all living things.
The Circle of Women is designed for a woman who is on a path of personal evolution, determined to make profound changes that will lead her to a fuller and more harmonious life, making herself responsible for one hundred percent of her life; determined to live through the inner processes of rediscovering who she truly is; and do all this accompanied by other women.
A woman who opens her heart to others; sometimes sharing talent, creative activity, sometimes singing, sometimes dancing, all simple expressions of our creativity and sensitivity that appear in these spaces like natural rivers.
By passing through a circle of women, you create your own. The principle of Unity, first with yourself. Women learn to listen to themselves and to listen to each other, promoting better communication from the heart in their relationships. This helps break the linear, logical, dominant thought in the society they are immersed in, a system that often oppresses them; When this happens, empty and existential crises set in, which can occur at any age and at any stage of their lives.
A circle of women helps you strengthen:
– inner strength;
– intuition;
– creativity;
– inner wisdom;
– female sexuality.
To organize women’s circles, it is necessary that women be and live in peace with themselves and with the people around them. First, to realize her feminine world and be able to convey harmony to others, to respect herself and be in the spiritual world, to be an example of both a woman, in her family and in society. First of all, live in peace and harmony with all the people who surround her, and when they are prepared morally and spiritually, then she will be able to invite other women and gather a circle of women. Otherwise, she will lie to herself.
In a circle of women, they do not sit in a hierarchical manner in which someone speaks from the front and the rest only look in that direction, without being able to see everyone’s faces or listen to their words. They sit in a circle to remember that they have the right to be seen and heard.
Thus, in this circular process, they enhance their strengths and weaknesses with the strength of all. Likewise, it naturally becomes a safe healing space.
The Circle of Women is, first of all, a feeling and feeling, to gain an experience that allows you to live here and now, with other women, to help awaken that essence that will help show more energy of compassion, self-love. Together they remember who they are, where they come from, where they are going, what they want to do, how they want to do it. Together they project their dreams. No one circle is the same as another for the simple reason that each group of women is unique.
The circle of women is a space for feminine development. A neutral and safe environment where women come together to share, rediscover and renew their essence.
Women gather in circles to remember who they are and to learn about the feminine among women.
At the center of women’s circles there is a symbolic fire consisting of the deep desire of mothers’ hearts that all beings have a home, food, livelihood, dignity, health, freedom and peace; and live in communion with Mother Earth.
Each circle of women is a germ that makes visible the strength of mothers, daughters, sisters; from wives, from grandmothers; lovers, friends. A place where we can learn to trust ourselves and our understanding of the world.
There are now Circles of Women with different cultural footprints in many places around the world, all seeking to help each other in a circular space, to more consciously celebrate their essence of living together creatively, intuitively and naturally wisely.
Activities that are performed: relaxation exercises, meditation, dynamics for activation and communication on various topics, creative workshops, etc.
Women’s circles are created out of a need to return to the feminine essence, in a space of connection, communication and healing among women. Thus, a circle of women is a dynamic where a group of two or more women meet in a circular fashion to communicate through compassionate and loving energy.